The city can seem oppressive at times, especially in the summer when the the streets condense and become claustrophobic with travelers. The illusion of secrecy and the feeling of being alone disappear, and as we know, those are things I quite like. Other times, when busyness means far less self care, and the only thing on my mind is work and deadlines, and when the feeling of aloneness associated with said work and deadlines (not to mention graduate research) slips into loneliness at best and homesickness at worst, it’s this very place — crowds and all — that feeds my soul.
These days, I’m nourished by downtown walks with a side of street art, and murals, and inspiration galore; by grabbing a quick bite from a food truck or a newly discovered bakery; by hiking, and urban outdoor excursions followed by happy hour with good friends, and French wine chosen by a sommelier who somehow manifests my unintelligible and uninformed ramblings about the “strong” and “deep grape” flavors I seek into a perfect glass (or two) of Fleurie. But as always, it’s Alex and our long conversations on the couch with a backdrop of mountains, lunch at dive bars, and afternoons spent at the dog park with our sidekick that is my consistent source of groundedness, and happiness, and feelings of belonging.
Life lately looks like this:

…and it’s just what I need to get by.
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