Hi. I’m still gestating.
Baby is doing well, Alex is doing well, and so am I. Today I am 29 weeks pregnant, and feeling more confident each day about the journey that lies ahead. I really appreciate all of the love sent our way after the last post, and feel lucky to have such wonderful friends and family members who take time to check in with us. These past few weeks have been sometimes fun, sometimes stressful, sometimes amusing, and sometimes annoying, but we’re having a good time at this point. Here are some GIFs to help explain what it has been like.
When the synthyroid I was prescribed for my subclinical hypothyroidism and feelings of depression started to kick in
Going hiking with a friend
When I am walking at my normal pace for the first time in forever because I don’t have pelvic pain, but every person in Seattle is slower than Internet Explorer running on a 90s dial up connection
Packing for a move well into the second trimester
When I lie awake at night with reflux
Walking out of my 2 hour gestational diabetes test
Finding out that I passed
When someone gives me their unsolicited opinions on breast and formula feeding
When we hired an amazing doula for the birth
What I hear when someone asks me if I am going to breastfeed or formula feed
Buying furniture for the baby’s nursery
When the Teavana salesperson at Pacific Place tries to hand Alex and me a sample cup of red raspberry leaf tea
Getting my blood drawn at the GP when I got sick
When I got sent to the hospital because I actually did pass out
How I currently approach dealing with all medical professionals
Every night after I get into bed
The baby at 4 AM
Me at 4 AM
Lately, when I am getting ready to open the pizza box
When the midwife asks me to tell her my plans for birth, and for the baby after she is born
Getting in or out of a restaurant booth when the space between my belly and the table is becoming increasingly small
When someone asks for the millionth time what we are naming the baby, and I’m still not saying a word
Placing an order for a breast pump
When someone tells me that I only think I am tired (after having just four hours of total sleep in two days), and only when the baby comes will l know for sure what tired really is
When someone asks me what it’s like to know that I’m going to give birth, and that I’ll have a daughter
How I feel about the next 11ish weeks
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